Rogue Network
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- Webster Tarpley speaks - Watch this very short video.
Webster Tarpley was asked about the role of the neo-cons in perpetrating 911, and he said that Cheney and Wolfowicz may very well be conduits of the rogue network, which runs the United States. Tarpley said that there is an invisible government, which is alive and well, and the neo-cons are a part of it. But Tarpley said you have to look deeper at the network, which has been around significantly longer than the neo-cons.
Deep State, -
The fifth column, -
Many crap words are used to describe what we're aware of. READ IT! YOU'LL SEE!
"The foundation of all mental illness is the avoidance of legitemate suffering" - carl jung
Why haven't the done aerial raids on the opium and drug feilds in Turkey, Arabia, Iran, Mexico, Colombia, South America, Africa? BECAUSE, drugs is the LARGEST provider of cheap labor, major income in the WORLD. Why wouldn't whites be a part of it. Why not the U.S.. of course they are. Why wouldn't they be? Because they care so much about the children and families they'd affect?
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The worldwide update of reported civilian deaths in the Iraq war and occupation.
"We don’t do body counts"General Tommy Franks, US Central Command
Civilians reported killed by military intervention in Iraq
Min /Max
56256/ 61974
"Change the channel"- Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt's advice to Iraqis who see TV images of innocent civilians killed by coalition troops.
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almost 655,000 Iraqis have died
Earlier this week, British medical journal The Lancet published a study estimating that, since the US-led invasion in March 2003, almost 655,000 Iraqis have died who would not have died had the invasion not occurred. That estimate is far above previous estimates of post-invasion Iraqi deaths, which generally range between 40,000 and 120,000. Immediately, the study received widespread attention and generated a great deal of controversy in the media, in the halls of government, and around the blogosphere.
The article is entitled "Mortality after the 2003 invasion of Iraq: a cross-sectional cluster sample survey" by Gilbert Burnham, Riyadh Lafta, Shannon Doocy, and Les Roberts. Drs Burnham, Doocy, and Roberts are affiliated with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, and Dr Lafta with the Mustansiriya University, Baghdad. The full text is available here in html, and here as a pdf document. (All page references to the study in this post refer to the pdf version.)
"I accept no responsibility for statistics, which are a form of magic beyond my comprehension." — Robertson Davies
This worlds children are so important to us all...
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PROMOTION AND PROTECTION OF THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN Sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography Note by the Secretary-General
A. Africa 16. In Africa, the Special Rapporteur has noted that some Governments have shown a genuine interest in improving living conditions for children. Good examples are programmes for better primary health care, vaccination campaigns, and efforts to demobilize child soldiers in armed forces. Educational campaigns have also been launched to increase the number of children finishing their primary education. 17. A particularly alarming practice continues nevertheless to affect many countries, namely, the abduction of children from their homes, their enslavement and sale for forced labour or military training to join combat forces. Sometimes children are even forc or indoctrinated to fight against their own communities. 18. The Special Rapporteur notes that in Angola both the Government and UNITA forces have begun to demobilize an estimated 8,000 child soldiers in a campaign initiated by the Ministry of Social Integration. In the Sudan and in northern Uganda, however, there are still reports of ongoing abductions of children for the purposes of child labour or recruitment into the armed forces. 19. In the Central African Republic, the Special Rapporteur has received disconcerting information about the practice of families marrying their daughters as young as 11 or 12, for financial gain, to older husbands. The prevalence of such traditional practices, including the trokosi practice in Ghana, already mentioned in previous reports, is a matter of concern. 20. Another matter of special concern to the Special Rapporteur is the increasing problem of child prostitution in major cities all over the African continent. In South Africa, for example, particularly in big cities like Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg, child prostitution appears to be a growing problem, linked to the increasing number of street children, who have left their homes for economic and social reasons or as a result of the breaking down of families and traditional values. 21. On a positive note, the Special Rapporteur has been informed that the Government of Namibia appears to be seriously committed to improving the situation of children, having allocated almost one third of its budget to education. Child abuse is also recognized as a serious problem and authorities have prosecuted several cases involving crimes against children. In September 1996, a child rapist was reported to have been given a 20-year sentence for sexually abusing a 10-year-old girl. Training programmes in handling domestic violence were also provided for police officials. [Back to the contents]B. Asia and the Pacific 22. Extensive trafficking in both women and children, especially from India, Pakistan and South-East Asia to the Middle East and Western and Eastern Europe, continues to pose a major problem for the Asian region. This phenomenon is closely linked to child prostitution, the increased numbers of street children, extreme economic needs and tourism. The increasing interest of the press in these matters is, however, to be welcomed, as it leads to more pressure on Governments and civil society to act. 23. Reports from Bangladesh indicate that child abandonment, kidnapping, trafficking for labour bondage and children in prostitution continue to be widespread. UNICEF estimates that there are about 10,000 child prostitutes in Bangladesh. Information received suggests that officials often ignore the existence of phenomena such as child prostitution, or even profit from them. 24. In Sri Lanka there also appears to exist a significant problem of child prostitution. The Government estimates that there are over 2,000 child prostitutes in the country and has indicated that it is committed to combating the problem. In Taiwan Province of China child prostitution reportedly involves anywhere between 40,000 and 60,000 children. Children are being forcibly held in brothels by means of violence, drug addiction and other forms of coercion. Although new legislation has been adopted to prosecute persons using child prostitutes, with a maximum imprisonment of two years, the effects of these new measures cannot yet be evaluated. 25. In Thailand, the National Commission on Women's Affairs has estimated that there are 150,000 to 200,000 prostitutes in the country, of which not more than 20 per cent are children. The Special Rapporteur has noted with satisfaction the commitment of the Thai Government to actively combating the problem, in cooperation with national and international non-governmental organizations. 26. In Indonesia the involvement of the press in addressing the problem of child prostitution is to be appreciated, since this has led to a considerable increase in public awareness and acknowledgment of the problem. In India the media have also started to play an active role in informing the general public of facts concerning child prostitution. Articles on the subject, which are now appearing regularly in the popular press in India, are doing much to break the silence which has long shrouded such an understandably sensitive subject. [Back to the contents]C. Eastern Europe 27. The main concern of the Special Rapporteur is that in Eastern Europe many Governments have not yet adopted special legislation to prohibit child prostitution and child pornography specifically. Such inaction could lead to great impunity for perpetrators. 28. The Special Rapporteur notes with satisfaction, however, that authorities in Slovakia are conducting investigations into alleged paedophile rings, in cooperation with Austrian and Belgian counterparts. In Romania, sexual exploitation of children has attracted domestic media attention which is noted with appreciation by the Special Rapporteur. 29. Attention is drawn, however, to Georgia, where growing numbers of street children and children in prostitution are reported. According to local sources there are approximately 1,000 street children in the capital, Tbilisi. These children are in danger of being forced or recruited into child prostitution. [Back to the contents]D. Latin America and the Caribbean 30. Sex tourism and child prostitution also remain a serious problem in the Latin American and Caribbean region. As elsewhere, there exists a close link to extreme poverty, lack of education, drug abuse and the increasing numbers of street children. In conflict zones, guerilla troops continue to recruit children into armed forces and there are reports of teenage female recruits being sexually abused. In some rural areas, the practice of sending young children to work as unpaid domestic labour for more affluent city dwellers continues, putting these children in vulnerable positions. The sale of children for adoption also continues to be a serious problem, as it is reported that foreign adoptive parents are willing to pay from US$ 20,000 to $40,000 in adoption fees and costs to adopt a healthy baby. 31. In Bolivia, the practice of criadito service still exists in some parts of the country. Criaditos are indigenous children between 10 and 12 years old whom their parents send to middle- and upper-class families to perform household work in exchange for education, clothing, room and board. The treatment of these children is often not supervised in any way, and they sometimes become virtual slaves in their new host families. The same practice is reported to exist in Haiti, where it is called restavek (lives with). 32. It is also reported that the use of street children in prostitution remains a serious problem in Guatemala. The estimation of the number of street children is between 1,500 and 5,000, the majority being concentrated in Guatemala City. 33. On a positive note, the Government of Brazil has initiated a campaign against sex tourism and child prostitution organized by the national tourist agency. The campaign includes restrictions on the use of erotic pictures of young women in advertising holidays to Brazil and an information campaign to deter tourists from engaging in the sexual exploitation of children. It also includes a 24-hour hotline number for reporting cases of sexual abuse, as well as the creation of a special police office to investigate sexual crimes against children. [Back to the contents]E. Western European and other States 34. One of the main problems in the Western European and other States region appears to be the spread of child pornography material, especially through the new media, as well as rings of paedophiles cooperating in the abuse of children. The abusers originating from the region often travel to countries where the supply of children is greater and the legislative controls are either weaker or not effectively implemented. The Special Rapporteur therefore welcomes the continuing process of adopting extraterritorial legislation by countries of origin of tourists who engage in child sex abuse. The Special Rapporteur also encourages further cooperation between countries considered to be main sources of child victims and those considered to be main sources of child exploiters, in an effort to combat the problem jointly. In Australia, an airport education campaign was carried out by customs officers to deter travel abroad for child sex tourism. 35. In Austria, allegations of an Austrian-Slovak child pornography ring have led to strong public and political pressure to further tighten legislation of child pornography. One specific case which greatly perturbs the Special Rapporteur is the suicide of a 12-year-old boy in Upper Austria, who killed himself after photographs showing him being sexually abused by a paedophile had been posted on the Internet. 36. In Belgium, the public debate that has followed the Dutroux case has caused serious criticism of government authorities, the judiciary and the police force on the investigation of this case, leading to accusations of attempts of corruption and cover-up within the Government. The Special Rapporteur encourages the Government of Belgium in its efforts to take active measures to combat the phenomenon and to restore public confidence in the authorities through adopting effective legislation and administrative measures. 37. In Ireland, child sexual abuse has received increasing media attention, especially in connection with the alleged sexual abuse of children by orphanage staff and members of the Roman Catholic clergy. In at least three cases members of the clergy have pleaded guilty and several other cases are pending. 38. In the Netherlands, for the first time, a citizen was tried for sexual abuse of minors abroad on the basis of extraterritorial jurisdiction. The perpetrator had been caught sexually abusing minors in the Philippines and was given a sentence of five years' imprisonment after returning to the Netherlands. 39. According to Home Office statistics in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, it is estimated that 110,000 men in the country have been convicted of offences against children. It is further estimated that 1 in 60 of those convicted were convicted of a sex crime by the time they were 40 years old and that 1 in 90 were convicted for a serious sex offence, such as rape, incest or gross indecency with a child. [Back to the contents]
Lets talk about paganism, which is the basis of free masonry, you have to realize that their idea of a get together is an orgy... and they don't allow women into their circle
(check this out on the web - google - Shadows in motion - Exposing the New World Order )
Dajjal is the one eye symbolized universally. he will be the one who conquers the world. or so they say.
--- "New" laws, restricting our civil liberties, enacted to protect us from the "terrorists" yet our borders remain wide open and threats go ignored... why? closed borders do not facilitate the spp agenda. and these terrorists don't exist. They're international mercenaries, by our wonderful all seeing eye up above.
--"Pretext For The North American Union (NAU): Part 3 The Media (Amero, TTC & I.D.) "
Book 1984 - predicting world would be divided into 3 world empires. Orwell.
--- Dr. Jerome Corsi - He wants you to go to: find the link: freedom of information act request. 1,000 pages on that website. a fundemental rewriting of our lives, in which America is being replaced with "North American." You'll be issued a biometric traveler trusted card, Mexican, Canadian, Americans, when 30 million more Mexicans want in, and they'll be just allowed in. The AMERO, replacing the dollar. Super NAFTA highway up and down the spine of America. Dr. Corsi found all this out. Media won't even announce it. We are all under seige, being forced into a hell home that we didnt' want, and we can't make the decisions. Look it up! This is so ridiculous, the government basically hid it from us, because they knew we wouldn't accept it. The only way to force us is by living in some new state of massive police/military presence, offered in part, thanks to a new MAJOR terrorist attack, which itself was given to us by yours truly: Big Brother.
---Pretext For The North American Union (NAU): Part 4 Policy Makers (CFR) , check on video
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- Headlines (5:00) HOUSE PASSES WARRENTLESS WIRETAPPING BILLThe House of Representatives approved legislation last night that would authorize the warrantless wiretapping of telephone and email communications between individuals in the US and abroad. The so-called Electronic Surveillance Modernization Act permits the executive branch to eavesdrop without a court order. The legislation bypasses the FISA court by requiring only the approval of the Attorney General. It also requires the cooperation of telecom companies in surveillance requests and prohibits any form of legal challenge against them for handing over customer data. The bill will now go to the Senate for debate.
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Morris Berman - The Twilight of American Culture - An excerpt
Chapter One
Sallust's description of Rome in 80 B.C.—a government controlled by wealth, a ruling-class numb to the repetitions of political scandal, a public diverted by chariot races and gladiatorial shows—stands as a fair summary of some of our own circumstances....
—Lewis Lapham,Waiting for the Barbarians
Before we can talk about the long road to cultural healing, then, we must begin by understanding the illness. But here we are confronted with a complicating factor, briefly alluded to in the Introduction: Decline comes inevitably to all civilizations. With the exception of hunter-gatherer societies that have not been interfered with by more complex ones (and there are no pristine hunter-gatherers left anymore, I fear), the pattern of birth, maturity, and decay would seem to be inescapable. Est ubi gloria nunc Babyloniae? Where is the glory of Babylonia now? Or that of ancient Egypt, China, India, Greece, Rome? Gone, all gone—that is the historical record. Why, then, should America escape this fate? If decay is built into the civilizational process itself, then talk of healing might be a bit out of place. Indeed, from an analytical standpoint, the problem is not that states collapse—for that is the rule—but that some manage to last as long as they do. To what purpose, then, my attempt to give the reader a cultural roadmap, or to suggest a way out, a creative response? If the historical record is clear on this point, there is no way out. We might just as well fiddle while New York and Los Angeles burn.
This is, of course, a formidable objection, one not easily dismissed. Nor do I believe that America is somehow so privileged as to constitute a historical exception (which belief would be a typically American kind of hubris). But three things do jump out of the historical record that are worth mentioning. First, the process of decay may be inevitable, but it is rarely linear. In its three thousand years, for example, Egypt suffered periods of complete political disintegration and foreign domination that sometimes lasted more than a century, and it then bounced back. While its ultimate decline was inevitable, and it was eventually absorbed into the Greco-Roman Empire, three millennia is not exactly an unimpressive showing; and most of those years were "up" (in terms of political coherence), while some of them were "down." So it might conceivably be argued that the United States is going through a bad patch, from which it might recover, at least for a time.
Second, if the classical model of collapse of empire is that of ancient Rome, we have to remember that its fall was, in terms of the larger world system, as much a transformation as it was a decline. Indeed, it was from the ruins of the Roman Empire that medieval European civilization emerged. While the parallels between the Roman case and the American one are not exact, the analogy does suggest some transformative possibilities. If, for example, we are indeed slated for another dark age, it may not have to last six hundred years this time around. This is precisely a case in which something like the monastic option, and the deliberate work of cultural preservation, might come into play.
Third, there is the issue already mentioned in the Introduction, and which I shall discuss later on in this chapter, as well: This is a very lively kind of decline. In this sense, possible hubris notwithstanding, something unprecedented might be happening. Europe's Dark Ages were truly dark—"singularly monochromatic," as the historian Peter Brown put it. Our own transformation is confusing, because of the "invisibility" factor discussed above. For those seduced by noise, toys, and technology, the current transformation to a global economy is nothing less than cultural efflorescence. For those who place their values elsewhere, there is the paradox that the very success of McWorld, the very transformation that it represents, is a darkness that is ultimately every bit as dark as the early Middle Ages, no matter what the surface appearances might indicate. Whether this will make recovery easier or more difficult remains to be seen.
Thus collapse is built into the process of civilization itself, but this can be understood in purely rational or economic terms. When stress—for example, resource shortage—emerges in hunter-gatherer societies, the members of the tribe have an easy option, one that worked for hundreds of millennia: They move. The solution, in short, is horizontal (dispersion). But if you are sedentary, committed to staying in one place and depending on that place for your livelihood, you must "go vertical," that is, generate another level of hierarchical control to solve your problems—a process that never ends. The whole thing is cumulative. Taxes rarely go down; information processing gets denser. Standing armies get larger, not smaller, and bureaucracies grow rather than shrink. Elites want—and get—more and more of the pie, and so forth. What is unleashed is an unending spiral of increasing complexity and correspondingly higher costs. Finally, says Tainter, "investment in sociopolitical complexity as a problem-solving response often reaches a point of declining marginal returns." The "center of gravity" is too high; the benefits per unit of investment start to drop off. At this point—that of diminishing returns—collapse is not only inevitable; it actually becomes economical. Although the effects are not exactly pleasant, collapse finally becomes an economizing process, the best adaptation under the circumstances.
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